Sunday, 23 September 2012

Virginia Slims Advert

Virginia Slims is a brand name for cigarettes. The background colour pink portrays that the cigarettes are for females as pink is generally a feminine colour. The phrase under the brand name ‘Find Your Voice’ the O’s are shaped as the animated version of smoke. The font is really funky and girly. The font for the sentence ‘I look temptation right in the eye and then I make my own decision’ looks mysterious. It’s like something is hidden between the lines. Also everything is feminine apart from the hair. The hairstyle is modern which indicates that smoking this cigarette will allow women to have the modern look or continue having a modern look. It’s a close up of the woman and you can only see her facial features. This may suggest that smoking this cigarette will make you look young.
When you first look at the ad, you think straight away that it has something to do with makeup or perfume as its all girly and pink but when you read the slogans you realise that its about smoking.  This advert gives the audience mixed messages as it can be talking about which cigarettes to smoke or it could be talking about the decision of whether or not to smoke at all.  The female is looking directly into the camera, she is covering some parts of her face but has a smile, this is a childlike pose the pose makes her have a playful attitude which is obviously being directed towards a male eye.  The ‘decision’ in the advert also links to the models short hair ,whether to cut it short?
By smoking the Virginia Slims cigarettes is a statement of female independence which doesn’t mean you give up on clothes, makeup and gifts from a male admirer .