Sunday, 24 March 2013

Waterloo Road - Barry Tries To Force Kacey To Be A Girl - Camera Analysis

The clip begins with a close up of the door lock, this highlights that Kacey is still trapped with her identity and cant escape. There is a lot of shot reverse shots between Kacey and her brother, this is done from a distance. This indicates to the audience that Barry is scared of her identity and doesn't know what to do. This is shown from the mid shots between the conversation. As Barry gets more and more frustrated close ups are used to highlight Kasey's facial expressions. This indicates to the audience that she is scared of her brother and scared of what to do with her life. Throughout this conversation there is a lot of shot reverse shots with zooms which indicates to the audience that Barry is really annoyed with Kaceys situation. A close up of Barry and Kacey is used to highlight that the situation is getting more tense and more problematic. As they are talking there is a close up of Barry going into a bag and getting make up and another close up is used to illustrate to the audience that Kacey is being forced to be someone who she isn't. This helps the audience to sypathise with Kacey.

Waterloo Road - Kacey wins the football match - Sound Analysis

The clip begins with the non dietetic sound of a crowd clapping and cheering. The audience can easily identify that they are at a football match. The PE teacher is clearly helping his team and giving advice to make sure that his team win the match. The non diegetic sound of the whistle as the other team score indicate to the audience that Waterloo Road are losing, this is because the director has used close ups to highlight to the audience that they are losing. Throughout the clip the audience know that Kacey is the main character in this episode, by her sister saying "Come on Kacey", indicates to the audience that Kacey has people supporting her. As the match begins again there is a non diegetic sound of a soundtrack which is placed on top of the crowds cheering and the teachers wishing the team luck, this is played until the final of the match as Waterloo Road win the match. It then fades out as soon as Kacey is kissed by another girl.This is to highlight that something big has happened. This is because Kacey's brother says "Get your filthy hands off my sister". This has caused two big problems for Kacey as the other team didn't know that Kacey was a girl. The director has used pans and close ups to highlight the teams facial expressions to this problem. The clip then ends with depressing soundtrack which highlights Kacey's feelings to be sad and lost in the world as she says "I need to go".

Waterloo Road - Kacey wins the football match - Camera Analysis

The clip begins with a pan from left to right, this highlights the fact that there is supporting event happening as there is a group of young teenagers clapping there hands and cheering.There is a lot of jump cuts going on when playing on the football pitch. This helps the audience to stay in contact with the football. Throughout the clip there is a lot of quick jump cuts between the football pitch and the crowd. When Waterloo Road begin to lose there is a close up of Waterloo Roads facial expression which indicates to the audience that they are not doing too well in the game. The director has placed the camera behind the football goal, the goal appears to be in line with one of the main characters in this scene. This highlights the fact that she is trapped and doesn't know what to do as she is having a few problems and is scared to tell the world about them. A high angle shot is placed highlighting the pitch. In this shot the audience can see that there isn't many Waterloo road players on the pitch, this could be why they are losing. As Waterloo road score to highlight that they have won the match the director has used many close ups to highlight the crowds emotions and how happy they are. There is then a zoom into the score board to highlight to the audience that they have won the match. The director then uses another pan from right to left where Kacey is kissed by another girl and then a pan from right to left as Kacey's brother stops them. As Kacey s problem is revealed in front of her school there is a few close ups of Kacey and her closest friends's faces highlighting how shocked they are. Also of the other times faces, this is because Kacey has been hiding her identity as she is a girl and is not supposed to be playing on a boys football match. The director then uses a tilt to highlight the PE teacher as he had gone against the headteachers order as Kacey wasn't supposed to be playing. As Kacey walks off the pitch the camera is in deep focus, this helps the audience to sympathies for her. 

The Inbetweeners Movie Video

The Dark Knight Rises Video