Wednesday 6 February 2013

Analysis of editing

Analysis of editing

In this clip I will be analysing the editing of the clip, in every clip, the audience never really pay any attention to the editing that has been done. The common features of continuity editing, that we so often do not notice include: Establishing shot, Shot reverse shot, 180 degree rule.

In this clip we don’t see the opening of the programme, but as I have seen Waterloo Road in the past I know that this is an Establishing Shot, this is so the audience knows where and when the action takes place, which in this case is in the school playground.
At the beginning of this clip the director has set up the camera in 3 different positions which follows the 180 degree rule. For example in this scene the two characters are in the corridor and they are having a left to right relationship to each other where the camera is in one position and then changes to the opposite side as the next character speaks. As Tom passes the paper over to Karen you can see that there is a transition, this transition is called a fade out. The use of this transition highlights the mood that they’re now in as Sambuca died and it’s her memorial service.
As Karen finishes her speech, the editor uses a couple of straight cuts on the tree where you can see messages from different people. This blends in well emphasises her speech. Towards the end of the clip there is a shot reverse shot of Tom and Sambuca’s mum talking, it makes sure that we the audience can see how both people in the conversation respond and deliver specific pieces of information. This shot is very specific as when the camera is facing Sambuca’s mum it also as her brother which is crying so it is also focusing on him not just on the character that is speaking.  

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