Wednesday 6 February 2013

Waterloo Road - Amy brings drugs to school

In this short clip of Waterloo Road you can see a variety of different types of camera shots and movement. I have noticed many close up which highlight the feelings and emotions, mid shots are also used to highlight the things around the people such as the graffiti on the walls. Crane shots are also used and when these crane shots are used the camera starts to pan.
At the beginning of this clip you see toilet cubicles in a horrible state with graffiti all over walls, the camera movement used is a crane shot, this is when the camera moves high above the action. This camera movement is used to show the toilet cubicles, this shot also pans to the right when showing the different cubicles. As the camera pans to the right you hear voices which tells the audience straight away there’s too girls in the cubicle and with the state of the toilets you can hint that they’re up to something. A close up is then used when the camera reaches Amy and Lauren, it uses two close ups as it shows the different facial expressions as Lauren isn’t sure if she wants to take the drugs with Lauren. These close ups are used often in this scene as it moves between Amy and Lauren talking and zooms out a few times to show a side angle of them both together. A crane shot is used again when Sam is on the other side of the cubicle looking over at them. By having this shot as a crane shot makes it look more realistic as it is a high above the action. As Lauren and Amy come out of the cubicle a mid shot is used to show Sam coming down which shows the audience her facial expressions. When the girls are talking the camera movements start to vary. There’s a mid shot of them talking and seconds later the camera changes to the person speaking. These camera shots are clear as to who is speaking as when Sam is speaking the camera is behind Lauren's shoulder which shows her point of view, this type of shot tells the audience who the person is talking to. When Amy is talking to Sam a two shot is of Amy and Lauren together which tells the audience that Amy is talking to Sam. In between these camera shots close ups again are used to highlight the feelings and emotions of the girls, this adds tension to the scene as what is being said may change what’s about to happen meaning Lauren might not take the drugs anymore because she doesn't want to lose her friend Sam. At the end of this clip the camera zooms back out to show all 3 of the girls together but then Sam grabs her back and walks away. As Sam walks away music is added in the background which highlights a change of scene or the end of the episode. 

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