Wednesday 6 February 2013

OCR G322 - Dr Who (Gender) Jan 2009

OCR G322 - Dr Who (Gender) Jan 2009
Mise-en-scene Analysis

The clip begins with 3 people walking out of what looks like an escalator, the use of the flashing lights in the escalator highlight that the men at the back are a lot taller than the girl at the front. This emphasises that men are stereotyped to be the bigger person. The audience can clearly see that this is set in some sort of laboratory due to all the technological devices. The use of the stairs being in white and the man standing next to them highlight that he is an important person and acts all innocent. All the security guards around the room are all dressed in black and standing straight with guns, this also highlights that they are the bigger person and they are in charge and if the other people do something wrong they will be shot. The man in a smart suit which indicated to the audience that he is an important person to the scene as he tells the girl to kneel down, this again highlights the issue of gender as men are stereotyped into being the boss of things; therefore all females have to do what they say. Whereas the other men are dressed in casual dirty clothes this may indicate to the audience that they are worthless and can’t help the girl. There is a blonde girl in a red dress; she appears to be on the man’s side, the connotations of red highlight danger, therefore foreshadowing something bad to happen. The countdown clock is shown numerous times; this builds tension to the scene. As the bright light begins to brighten on the cage of the Doctor, the music becomes louder and creates tension as the audience don’t know if he is going to survive or not. Everyone apart from the man that appeared to be the boss says ‘doctor’ and is happy as the Doctor appears, he then uses some sort of laser and attempts to kill the doctor but doesn't work and then goes to kill the others but the doctor takes the laser a way from him

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